One Unique Space




Embark on an exciting journey into the world of pole dancing with our trial class designed especially for beginners like you!

Experience the thrill of pole as you learn the fundamental techniques and build a strong foundation from the ground up.

No prior experience or fitness level is required – this class is specifically tailored to those taking their first steps. Our supportive instructors will guide you through each move, ensuring you feel comfortable and confident every step of the way.

Maximum 3 people to a class.

Requirements - To have fun!

What to wear - Shorts or swimmer bottoms



If you've mastered your front hooks, chair spins and spinning climbs this intermediate class is for you! All classes start with a 15 minute warm-up followed by some light conditioning. Next, you will learn a series of moves to help build strength and continue to build confidence on the pole. At the end of the lesson we will combine what you've learnt into a routine or combos.

Maximum 3 people to a class.

Requirements - Must be able to sit comfortably on the pole and hold your layout, hello world, martini, static climb to the top of the pole and hold your chair spin for multiple rotations.



Ready to move up? Prep-Advanced things get even more fun! Every class starts with a 15 minute warm-up, followed by conditioning on and off the pole. In Prep-Advanced you will learn/work on aerial invert, shouldermounts and increasing your flexibility. At the end of the lesson we will combine what you've learnt into a routine or a beautiful flowing combo.

Maximum 3 people to a class.

Requirements - Invert from the ground, bent and straight leg laybacks, Inside leg hangs and outside legs hangs, started preparing for shouldermount.


From beginners to advanced, everyone is welcome.

Each class begins with a warm-up to prepare your body. We'll then dive into a variety of tricks, focusing on proper form, alignment, and execution. We'll provide individualised attention, offering modifications and progressions to to suit your skill level.



Enhance your flexibility and strength with this class, designed for all levels.

In this session, we'll delve into the crucial aspects of building both active and passive flexibility, with a focus on developing core and stabilising strength. This foundational approach is key for achieving deeper splits and more stable bridges. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your existing skills, no prior experience is needed.

Unlock your body's potential for greater flexibility!


Step into the world of Aerial Lyra with our exhilarating open-level class! No matter your experience level, you're invited to join us on a captivating journey.

With a small class size and personalised guidance, you'll have the perfect platform to refine techniques and explore advanced hoop manoeuvres.From intricate transitions to gravity-defying drops and rolls, each move you master brings you closer to your goals.


Unlock dynamic movement and acrobatics! From rolls to headstands, cartwheels to bridges, explore essential pole and floorwork tricks. Strengthen handstands and conquer trending floorwork like floorjades, knee kips, and shoulderstands.

Elevate your skills in this high energy class!

Suitable for all levels.


Combining various pole and floor activation and drills to improve strength, mobility and postural awareness, this class has been designed for students who want to improve body awareness and muscle coordination to improve their overall strength and feel more confident to try new things in pole, aerial or floorwork classes.



In this 60 minute static class you'll learn a mix of static tricks, transitions and combos. Build strength and confidence with base tricks, flips and handstand tricks.

Requirements - Must be able to invert from the ground